We are always learning from the community and updating our roadmap continuously. In this document, we share the upcoming releases that will assist you in building UI faster than ever!

Catlang: (Released)

We’ve built Catlang on Rust to give you the flexibility to generate different abstract syntaxes to represent layouts. Catlang also allows us to utilize the AI model to generate customized code as we move forward.

Stay tuned for more details on Catlang and how you can use it to write your own customizations.

Backend Improvements: (Released)

Along with Catlang, we have multiple backend changes lined up to make your life easier.

  1. Generate more responsive code: No more static height and width making the code instantly usable.
  2. Reduce code bloat: Reduce the number of redundant divs and spans to minimize code bloat.

A new look (Ongoing)

We are working on a major UI/UX overhaul based on the feedback from our community. These are the upcoming UI/UX changes:

  1. Onboarding flow: We are working on removing all areas of friction for a smoother onboarding.
  2. Tutorials: We will include video tutorials and tooltips to give you a seamless experience.
  3. Error screens: We are introducing new error screens that are more intuitive.

AI models:

We are now using state-of-the-art Computer vision and Natural Language processing techniques to create developer-centric code.

Variable Naming:

A lot of our users complained about our variable naming. We have our best minds working on making variable names usable. Our aim is to generate variable names that make sense in the context of your project.

View code in VS Code:

Get your code in your favorite IDE. Simply click and see the code in your local environment. This way, you don’t have to switch between Figma and your IDE.